Hand-drawn illustrated map of the Castle at Cabra in Ireland. This drawing represents the first in a series of five for Romantic Castles Ireland to be used on websites and printed matter for use by potential and actual guests. The isometric nature of the map was...
From a complex rough sketch from the client I produced this hand drawn map of the Waterside wedding venue showing in detail what sort of entertainments were available for guests on the...
New landscape photography taken by Richard Bowring at various...
New illustrations and illustrated maps for a wayfinding project for the town of Halesworth in Suffolk. The project included reworking walking routes which leave from a central point in the...
Ongoing work divided into particular medical disciplines describing in illustrative terms the procedures about to be undertaken. For Barts and Whittington Hospitals. Illustrations have now been used to create an app for clinicians to use to explain common procedures...