Reportage photography means hiding in a corner with a long lens is the order of the day with this type of approach of photography, after a while you will forget that I am in the room and that is when I can get the best images for you.

In relation to commercial photography the terms reportage and documentary are often used interchangeably and generally hold the same meaning – a completely unstaged photograph captured as it happened without direct interference from the photographer.

Suprised 80 year old at the arrival of his cakes
Hair being cut at the cambridge barbers Carmelo
Photography for the cambridge company Starleaf by cambridge photographer Richard Bowring
Employee of the cambridge based company Starleaf by photographer Richard Bowring
Students jumping for joy in a shoot for the prospectus of Comberton Village College, by Cambridge photographer Richard Bowring
A group of children working on the design for a new rugby shirt by cambridge photographer Richard Bowring