Science Magazine Photography

Science Magazine Photography

Portrait photography for Science magazine. Photographic coverage of frequent events where the brief is to give a feeling of the atmosphere of the audience and the speakers.
Photography 1

Photography 1

Quisque ullamcorper enim vel tellus rhoncus et fermentum diam congue. Phasellus eu turpis lorem, id gravida nunc. In bibendum nulla vel quam pretium a fringilla erat ornare. Etiam hendrerit quam sed orci congue posuere laoreet urna condimentum. Nam vestibulum gravida...
Photography 2

Photography 2

Vestibulum non libero in quam vestibulum dignissim a sed sem. Nullam vitae est vitae urna rhoncus sollicitudin. Ut congue lacus molestie augue gravida vitae auctor tortor ornare. Vestibulum sollicitudin vestibulum urna ut tempus. Duis eget dui placerat dui interdum...